Monthly Archives: June 2012

Analecta Hermeneutica Vol. 3: Transcendence and Immanence

I’m happy to say that the latest volume of Analecta Hermeneutica, titled Transcendence and Immanence, is now available online. AH is (of course) the open-access, peer-reviewed journal of the International Institute for Hermeneutics and is hosted as part of Memorial University’s Open Access Initiatives.

The theme for this volume, while ostensibly being “transcendence” and “immanence” is also the shift in recent continental philosophy, as evidenced by the various approaches to the aforementioned themes. This is why you’ll see articles on Heidegger, Ricoeur, and Henry, along with those on Deleuze, Latour, and Laruelle. Those who follow this blog will likely be interested in the following pieces:


  • My own “The Inner Life of Objects: Immanent Realism and Speculative Philosophy.” This is adapted from the piece I presented in 2010 in Claremont as part of the Whitehead conference. I have since expanded it, largely concerning the work of James Bradley, who recently passed away, and who I had the great privilege of working under. I have essentially taken up his concern with the category of “speculative philosophy” and work to apply it to my own concern for “non-cognitive philosophy.” Non-Cognitive Philosophy (which will also be my broad topic in Basel) is metaphysically irreductive, while also concerned with modes of access and experience which are neither concerned with rationality, or even necessarily the human being.
  • Iain Hamilton Grant’s “Movements of the World: The Sources of Transcendental Philosophy.” Grant continues his work from Philosophies of Nature After Schelling, looking here for the ground of transcendental inquiry and Kantian rationality. Instead of simply aligning with Kant’s conclusions, it is Schelling who informs us of the necessary ground of thought in Nature, or rather in the dynamic forces which ground all of reality.
  • Levi Bryant’s “A Logic of Multiplicities: Deleuze, Immanence, and Onticology.” Here, Levi works out the consequences of flat ontology as it relates to immanence. As well, the onticological work he’s been doing for some time is applied more directly to his previous work on Deleuze. Those interested in either OOO or Deleuze will want to have a look!
  • Anthony Paul Smith’s “A Stumbling Block to the Jews and Folly to the Greeks: Non-Philosophy and Philosophy’s Absolutes.” APS not only preovides a clear view of Laruelle’s work, but bring’s non-philosophy (non-standard philosophy) into dialogue with speculative realism, specifically Meillassoux and the concept of correlationism. I really can’t say enough about how great this essay is; it was enough to convince me to sign up for Anthony’s online course on Laruelle, and should serve as an excellent introduction to the stakes of non-philosophy.
  • Jay Foster’s “Ontologies without Metaphysics: Latour, Harman, and the Philosophy of Things.” Foster presents us with a Latourian intervention into Harman’s appropriation and presentation of Latour and actor-network theory. Under Foster’s reading, Latour doesn’t want or need the metaphysics provided by Harman which aims to compliment Latour’s own work since the latter presents us with an “ontology without metaphysics.” In place of a metaphysics of objects, Foster argues that Latour gives us a philosophy of techniques
  • Finally, Jeffrey Robbins provides us with a glowing review of Anthony Paul Smith and Daniel Whistler’s After the Postsecular and the Postmodern: New Essays in Continental Philosophy of Religion, while Paul Ennis presents a wonderful review of Santiago Zabala’s The Remains of Being: Hermeneutic Ontology After Metaphysics.

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